FindFocus Pro 1.0.24 download free : Mac Torrents And Mirrors

FindFocus Pro 1.0.24 (macOS) | 37.73 MB

FindFocus helps you avoid distractions and break bad online habits without limiting your flexibility.

FindFocus Profiles
Groups: Group your websites into categories to create a new sequence or block specific URLs in seconds. Create lists for Social Media Sites, Email and Work related websites or games
Profile Descriptions: Keep the overview. Create powerful descriptions for every profile you create
White List Mode For Websites: Block only the websites that distract you while still being able to use any other site
Black List Mode For Websites: Block the entire internet except the few sites that you need. Much better that disconnecting the entire internet with more and more tools moving to the cloud
Wildcard Syntax For Websites: Only want to use a certain part of a website or forum? We got you covered. Just block (or a allow the part of the website you need)
White List Mode For Apps: Want to block your local email client or prevent yourself from playing games with Steam? No problem. Just chose the apps that waste your time
Black List Mode For Apps: Are you a workaholic? Use the black list mode for apps at the end of the day to force yourself to shut it down. That’s literally the only thing you can do if you block all apps on your mac

Version 1.0.24:
Remove Dock icon and force application activation from tray
Fix ability to set empty names for some entries
Add a feature to schedule a manual break period while using Flexible Breaks

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