PlainPad 1.0.0 download free : Mac Torrents And Mirrors

PlainPad 1.0.0 | macOS | 5 mb

PlainPad is an editor for plain text files with a clean interface. With its extensive default settings, PlainPad offers a myriad of options to customize the writing environment to your own needs and preferences. Whether quick notes, ideas, tasks or extensive texts, PlainPad offers an environment for all types of writing to put your thoughts into words.

There are just three major steps to your very own eBook:
Enter book details. Name of the book and its author, add an image for the book-cover, webpage of the publisher and other details can be entered. There is no need to fill all fields, at least you should enter a name for your book.
Add text files as chapters to your book project. Every single text file you add to eBookBinder is treated as a single chapter. Give your chapters a name and order them per drag-and-drop to your desired sequence of chapters.
Create your ebook. Just hit the β€œBind Book” Button and eBookBinder will compile the ebook for you. That’s all!

Compatibility: macOS 10.10 or later 64-bit




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Author: macOs Apps And Games
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